Our Home Inspector Promise

Choosing the right home inspector can be a daunting task to say the least! Unlike most professionals, you probably will not meet us until after you hire us. Different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and yes, different pricing. One thing is for sure, a home inspection does require a lot of work.

We use our knowledge and experience to provide you information and tools to help you with one of the most important financial decisions in your life. If you honor us by permitting us to inspect your home, we guarantee that we will give you our very best effort. This we promise you.

2022 J&K Inspection Agreement

Download and fill out your inspection agreement.

Do I need to do anything before my home inspection?

We walk you through this process to make things as simple and stress-free as possible. To get a jump start on the process, here are a few things to consider before scheduling your home inspection.

  • All utilities must be turned on.
  • Pilot lights must be lit (home inspectors don’t light them for liability reasons).
  • Make sure there is access to: water heater, electrical panels, HVAC units, basements, crawlspaces, garages, sheds, and other outbuildings.
  • Make sure all operating windows have screens that are in good repair.
  • One smoke detector per floor is a minimum.
  • Appliances will be tested.
  • Ensure any pets are removed or restrained during inspection.
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Sherree & Joe
Learning Experience

Thanks for inspecting the home so quickly, it meant a lot to us to be able to be there (& bug you both w/questions.) You guys were great and we learned quite a bit.

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Maria B.
So Helpful

Thank you very much! You both were so helpful and the report is nicely detailed.

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Shandi S.
Great Service

Thank you for the inspection report. Thank you very much for the great service and awesome job!!